
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Give to Penn State

So I'm looking through my mail today, and I get this letter from "Jenny Georges". It seems she wants me to Give to Penn State. I've already given more than $60 grand to Penn State, and I figure it's time they give some back to me, so I asked their web master for a link back to Give to Bill, my new web site. We'll see.

Star Trek

So the new Star Trek movie is getting rave reviews.


I'm sure to see it on opening day, and I just hope it hasn't dumbed down too far for today's viewers.

More Penn State Pics

I keep finding more Penn State pics.

These are pictures of Old Main with daffodils, and some of just Old Main in the spring.

The one up top shows the actual quarry where the stone was hauled up to make the first Old Main.

Friday, April 17, 2009

We Surround Them Centre County - the 9-12 Project

I recently stumbled upon State College's Glen Beck inspired group called We Surround Them State College. It's a group of folks frustrated by higher taxes and the way the nation has strayed from the constitution. Check it out!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Graduation at Penn State

Nittany Mountain
I thought that with spring approaching, and the imminent Penn State Graduation in May, I thought I'd post a few pictures of my favorite Penn State gift ideas, like the nittany lion and Old Main in the summer.

Of course, before you graduate, you have to climb mount nittany.

Nittany Lion

Friday, April 10, 2009

Grammar Blog

I was looking at site rankings a while ago, and found that my grammar blog got knocked off the radar, possibly because I had some paid advertising on there. How's a guy to make a buck? Anyway, at least my freelance editing is still going strong.

That reminds me...I'm amazed at how many people find my site, even though it's spelled "grammer cop".

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Retroactive Penn State Scholarship

I had an idea the other day. There are all kinds of scholarships for students, but why aren't there any for people after they graduate? For example, I paid my way through school with a tremendous amount of student loan debt. I also worked 20-35 hours a week. Now I have over $60,000 in student loan debt that I'll never be able to repay, especially since I work for Penn State, and they don't seem to value their own education or degrees.

So, I decided to start a new site devoted to paying down my student loan burden through donations. After all, millions of dollars are given to students who may or may not succeed. With me, you get a proven history of helping the university, and you know the money's not wasted!

My page is for the Penn State retroactive scholarship, and it's purpose is to get rid of my student loans so I can finally start a family. Is that too much to ask from somebody who's been fortunate in life? They could spend their money on worse things.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Hiking Nittany Mountain

Spring is the best time for hiking the mountain, if you ask me. Climbing Nittany Mountain is strenuous if you're not used to it, but if you take your time and bring some water, it's a great way to spend a day.

If you want to find more hiking near Penn State, try